Controller method available param list:
Controller method argument | Description |
WebRequest , NativeWebRequest | Generic access to request parameters and request and session attributes, without direct use of the Servlet API. |
jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse | Choose any specific request or response type — for example, ServletRequest , HttpServletRequest , or Spring’s MultipartRequest , MultipartHttpServletRequest . |
jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession | Enforces the presence of a session. As a consequence, such an argument is never null . Note that session access is not thread-safe. Consider setting the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter instance’s synchronizeOnSession flag to true if multiple requests are allowed to concurrently access a session. |
jakarta.servlet.http.PushBuilder | Servlet 4.0 push builder API for programmatic HTTP/2 resource pushes. Note that, per the Servlet specification, the injected PushBuilder instance can be null if the client does not support that HTTP/2 feature. | | Currently authenticated user — possibly a specific Principal implementation class if known.Note that this argument is not resolved eagerly, if it is annotated in order to allow a custom resolver to resolve it before falling back on default resolution via HttpServletRequest#getUserPrincipal . For example, the Spring Security Authentication implements Principal and would be injected as such via HttpServletRequest#getUserPrincipal , unless it is also annotated with @AuthenticationPrincipal in which case it is resolved by a custom Spring Security resolver through Authentication#getPrincipal . |
HttpMethod | The HTTP method of the request. |
java.util.Locale | The current request locale, determined by the most specific LocaleResolver available (in effect, the configured LocaleResolver or LocaleContextResolver ). |
java.util.TimeZone + java.time.ZoneId | The time zone associated with the current request, as determined by a LocaleContextResolver . | | For access to the raw request body as exposed by the Servlet API. | | For access to the raw response body as exposed by the Servlet API. |
@PathVariable | For access to URI template variables. See URI patterns. |
@MatrixVariable | For access to name-value pairs in URI path segments. See Matrix Variables. |
@RequestParam | For access to the Servlet request parameters, including multipart files. Parameter values are converted to the declared method argument type. See @RequestParam as well as Multipart.Note that use of @RequestParam is optional for simple parameter values. See “Any other argument”, at the end of this table. |
@RequestHeader | For access to request headers. Header values are converted to the declared method argument type. See @RequestHeader . |
@CookieValue | For access to cookies. Cookies values are converted to the declared method argument type. See @CookieValue . |
@RequestBody | For access to the HTTP request body. Body content is converted to the declared method argument type by using HttpMessageConverter implementations. See @RequestBody . |
HttpEntity<B> | For access to request headers and body. The body is converted with an HttpMessageConverter . See HttpEntity. |
@RequestPart | For access to a part in a multipart/form-data request, converting the part’s body with an HttpMessageConverter . See Multipart. |
java.util.Map , org.springframework.ui.Model org.springframework.ui.ModelMap | For access to the model that is used in HTML controllers and exposed to templates as part of view rendering. |
RedirectAttributes | Specify attributes to use in case of a redirect (that is, to be appended to the query string) and flash attributes to be stored temporarily until the request after redirect. See Redirect Attributes and Flash Attributes. |
@ModelAttribute | For access to an existing attribute in the model (instantiated if not present) with data binding and validation applied. See @ModelAttribute as well as Model and DataBinder .Note that use of @ModelAttribute is optional (for example, to set its attributes). See “Any other argument” at the end of this table. |
Errors , BindingResult | For access to errors from validation and data binding for a command object (that is, a @ModelAttribute argument) or errors from the validation of a @RequestBody or @RequestPart arguments. You must declare an Errors , or BindingResult argument immediately after the validated method argument. |
SessionStatus + class-level @SessionAttributes | For marking form processing complete, which triggers cleanup of session attributes declared through a class-level @SessionAttributes annotation. See @SessionAttributes for more details. |
UriComponentsBuilder | For preparing a URL relative to the current request’s host, port, scheme, context path, and the literal part of the servlet mapping. See URI Links. |
@SessionAttribute | For access to any session attribute, in contrast to model attributes stored in the session as a result of a class-level @SessionAttributes declaration. See @SessionAttribute for more details. |
@RequestAttribute | For access to request attributes. See @RequestAttribute for more details. |
Any other argument | If a method argument is not matched to any of the earlier values in this table and it is a simple type (as determined by BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty), it is resolved as a @RequestParam . Otherwise, it is resolved as a @ModelAttribute . |