Spring AOP
JPA Pagination and Sorting
Spring data
Spring Data encapsulate multiple modules: Spring Data JPA Interfaces JDBC – Old java api.Spring JDBC – Spring abstraction to JDBC (JDBC Template)Spring Data JPA -Spring JPA supported implementation.Spring Data JDBC – New asynchronous implementationsR2BC – Reactive streams solution. Persistence Is the first-level cache where all entities are fetched from database or saved to, there are…
Spring MVC Entities
Annotations Name Description @Model Interface, holder for model attributes @ModelMap Class, in ModelMap attibute key can be omitted and the value of the attribute will be use to generate the key. @ModelAndView ModelAndView it’s a container for both View object and ModelMap @ModelAttribute Annotation that binds a method parameter or method return method to a…
Spring Security Entities
Spring Security Entities