Security concepts Architecture SecurityContextHolder – The SecurityContextHolder is where Spring Security stores the details of who is authenticated. SecurityContext – is obtained from the SecurityContextHolder and contains the Authentication of the currently authenticated user. Authentication – Can be the input to AuthenticationManager to provide the credentials a user has provided to authenticate or the current…
Spring Security II
Security filters Spring Security MVC is based on Server Filters. DelegatingFilterProxy – Filter implementation that allows bridging between servlet container lifecycle and ApplicationContext. This filter follows standard servlets containers mechanisms but delegates all work to a spring bean that implements filter. FilterChainProxy – special filter, provided by Spring Security that allows delegating to many filter…
Method security
Spring Security’s method authorization support is handy for: And since Method Security is built using Spring AoP. Annotation @EnableMethodSecurity Annotation @Secured is a legacy option to authorize invocations, superseded by @PreAuthorized. JSR 250 annotations correspond to @RolesAllowed, @PermitAll and @DenyAll. Annotations @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize – verifies condition before or after method invocation. @PreFilter and @PostFilter…
SpEL and Value
Spring EL Accessing properties: $ – value# – expression/executionValue- @Value(“${bean.message}”)System environment variable- @Value(“#{systemEnvironment[‘SOME_ENV_VARIABLE’]}”) It casts to the required type: @Value(“${daily.limit}”) int maxTransferPerDay@Value(“#{environment[‘daily.limit’]}”)int maxTransferPerDay; But values are handled as String: @Value(“#{new Integer(environment[‘daily.limit’]) * 2 }”) -> OK@Value (“#{new[‘’]).host}”) -> OK@Value (“#{daily.limit * 2}”}) -> not OK Default values: @Value(“${daily.limit:1000}”)@Value(“#{environment[‘daily.limit’]?:1000}”) @Value This annotation can be…
SpringBoot Lifecycle extensions
BeanFactoryPostProcessor BeanFactoryPostProcessor operates on bean configuration metadata, it reads the configuration metadata and can change it before the container instantiates the beans. This interfaces can be extended to provide further customization. BeanPostProcessor The BeanPostProcessor interface can be itself customized logic to default steps, when Spring container finishes instantiating, configuring, and initializing a bean, several implementations…