MVC Controller Method Params
Category: Spring MVC
MVC Rest
SpringBoot MVC Rest
Spring MVC Entities
Annotations Name Description @Model Interface, holder for model attributes @ModelMap Class, in ModelMap attibute key can be omitted and the value of the attribute will be use to generate the key. @ModelAndView ModelAndView it’s a container for both View object and ModelMap @ModelAttribute Annotation that binds a method parameter or method return method to a…
Spring MVC Tests
MVC Test framework Provide support for Spring MVC code, having requests processed through DispatcherServlet without container. It uses MockMvcRequestBuilders and MockMvcResultMatchers. Web environment types: DEFINED_PORT, MOCK, NONE, RANDOM_PORT. Default is Mock @LocalServerPort or @Value(“${local.server.port}”) to get test local port. TestRestTemplate Alternative to RestTemplate for integration tests. Slice testing Performs isolated testing within a slice of an application,…
Spring Boot, MVC and Rest configurations.